Rome and Carthage

News from the Sea

Carthaginian ships have been seen near Sardinia.

Rome Carthage
Population, Millions 12 12
Legions Lost 0 0
Major Temples 0 0
Treasury Stable Stable
Miles of Paved Roads 20 20
Scrolls, Thousands 12 12
Citizen Mood Content Content
remaining this turn
265 BC
Roman Influence: 27 %
Carthaginian Influence: 27 %

Welcome to Rome and Carthage! You are a rising administrator in the Roman Republic. Carthage poses the greatest threat to Rome. Each turn gives you a maximum of 3 actions; actions are opportunities to improve Roman influence in the Mediterranean either through improvements or conquest. Roman cities are designated as purple buttons, Carthaginian cities are in orange, and Greek and unconquered cities are in blue. Your goal is to gain an influence of 65% in the Mediterranean.